Saturday 10 August 2019

Dungeons and Dragons Backstory: Leucis

Leucis spent most of his life working for the thieves guild. He prided himself on being one of the best,
effortlessly sneaking into nobles dwellings and stealing everything that wasn’t nailed down. He met a lot
of beautiful women but none were more beautiful than a woman he met on the last job he did for the
guild. He stole a ring from a noble known for splashing out on antiques and magical artefacts. The ring
was a curious object. A ruby sat in the band, one that seemed to glow, as if a flame was trapped within it.
When he picked it up, he heard a woman's voice from the ring and he became enchanted by it. He
pocketed the ring and finished his assignment, but the ring never left his mind. When safely away from
the building, he put the ring on and saw images of her in his mind. He immediately fell for her, her beauty
being like nothing he’d ever seen before. The images vanished and her voice filtered through his mind.
She introduced herself as Fierna, Lady of the Fourth Layer of the Nine Hells, Phlegethos. One of the
Arch-Demons of the Nine Hells. Lady Fierna tempted him with great power if he gives her his soul and
agrees to be her servant in the next life. He told her he’d agree, only if she becomes his wife. She replied
with a no but asked if he had another offer. Hearing a sultry tone in her voice, he proposes that they
marry when he dies. After a bit of thought, she replied with ‘Grow stronger for me, protect me, serve me
and never disobey me, and we can marry in unholy matrimony when you die.’
Not seeing a better offer, Leucis agreed and made the contract.
Leucis cut ties with the thieves guild after this and travelled around to grow stronger for the one he loved,
talking to her during the day and in his dreams. With every conversation, every monster killed for her, the
bond between them grew deeper, growing into an everlasting love that’ll never be broken.

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