Wednesday 17 July 2019

Memories: A Tale of Two Sisters (Short Story)

Black. All I see is black. No scent. No sound. All I can feel is my skin burning. My hands are covered
in burns but it, surprisingly, doesn't bother me. I take slow steps forward, not knowing what I could
bump into, but one thought stays the same. Where am I?
A scream pierces the darkness and I find myself running although I don't know where I'm going. I just
know, I'm not the only one in this barren place.

I stop in front of a glowing sphere and the smell of flowers fills the air. Daisies, daffodils and dandelions.
I hear the wind rustling in the trees and feel the wet grass beneath my bare feet but I don't see anything.
It's still just black. I glance towards the sphere. It's no longer empty. There are trees with purple and
brown leaves. Green grass covered in water droplets and two girls running through the field. I
remember this, me and my sister when we were children. Six years old, if I remember correctly.
Then voices flow from the sphere.

"Nee-san! Hurry up!" My sister calls back to me. She's so lively. I don't think I can ever catch up to her.
I pant since I've been running for an hour.
I giggle softly. Trust her to know I'm behind. "Slow... down, S-Sora," I stutter slightly. Evil looms in the air.
I can feel it.
I bend over, my hands on my knees; my head bowed to catch my breath. A shadow moves beneath me
and I stand up straight, my lungs still burning from lack of oxygen (I really don't like running). The
shadow settles underneath Sora and, before I can utter out a warning, it pulls her in, her scream fills
my ears.

I turn away from the sphere and my legs give out. I lie on my side in a fetal position, holding my head,
and I start to sing. My body is numb, I don't even feel the tears sliding down my cheeks. All I feel is
sadness. I could have stopped it. I didn't.
"Nee-san, don't cry." I hear her voice.
"No! It's not her! No! No!" I scream. I clamp my eyes shut and bring my head towards my chest, my
skin burning even more with unwanted contact.
"Luna-nee?" A soft, childish voice asks. Someone touches my arm and I look up. A woman with blue
hair that rolls down her back in waves, like a waterfall. Her skin, like mine, is covered in burns but also
has bruises and scars. Even some blood running down her arm and dried blood on her face. She is
clothed in a singed, purple dress covered in holes and black leather boots. Her nails are jagged, like
she bites them, and are painted a royal blue although it looks chipped. Her onyx eyes run over my
body and soften.
"Sora!" I jump up and hug her but she doesn't return my embrace. She pushes me away and I stumble
back. "Sora?"
"No, Luna!"
My eyes widen in shock. Oh, God. She's serious. She never calls me by my name. It's always
'Nee-san' or 'Luna-nee' because of her Japanese heritage. Sora isn't my birth sister. Our family
adopted her after she wasn't wanted because she's my spiritual twin (meaning we can feel each
other's pain).
"All this is because of you! Because you kept something big from me! Your little sister!" She yells,
advancing towards me. I stand my ground with my head lowered, my bangs covering my eyes, and
my hands trembling.
"You're not my 'little sister'," I mutter. "If you know what my secret is then you will know we were born
on the same day, at the same time and you will know that neither of us is younger than the other.
"I did what I did to protect you and..." I take a deep breath, "I'm sorry."
Sora throws herself in my arms and cries in my hair.
"You'll always be older, Nee-san. The truth changes nothing." She wails.
We stay in each other's embrace for a while until I pull away.
"Where are we?" I ask.
"Neither dead nor alive. We're living in our memories. Mostly bad ones. Do you not remember?"
I shake my head and Sora waves her hand over the sphere. Smoke fills my nose and I gag at the
scent of burning flesh. I examine the sphere closely. All I see is fire, and me.

I run into the burning building. Someone told me they were keeping my sister here and, since the
experiment failed, we're going to kill her. I feel the flames burning my skin even though I'm not touching
them. Sora is being burnt alive.
"So... ra!" I shout, coughing violently due to smoke. I am met with silence. "Sora!" I call again.
This time I receive a reply. "Luna-nee..." A weak voice reaches me.
I run up to Sora. She's tied to a pole by charred ropes but she's too weak to pull herself out of it. I pull
the ropes away, my hands coming away black, and sling her arm over my shoulder to give her support.
I slowly make my way out of the building, navigating between walls of flame, something I didn't bother
to do on my way in.
My eyelids feel heavy and everything blurs. I can hear voices.
"Is anyone in there?" One asks.
"Two women though one is probably dead by now." Someone replies.
I collapse, taking Sora with me, and close my eyes. Luckily, Sora lands on my back. I feel her being
removed from me and someone turns me over, slips their arms under my knees and back and picks
me up, cradling me to their chest.
"You're an idiot, Luna. Going in after your sister." A masculine voice says before I pass out.

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